Pop-Up Kitchen

As a Syrian cuisine catering business, we love to venture beyond the traditional boundaries of an operation kitchen. That's why we occasionally operate in partnering restaurants or set up shop at local markets, creating an immersive culinary experience for our customers.

Whether we're operating in a restaurant or at a market, our Pop-Up Kitchen offers a welcoming and engaging environment. Our friendly staff is always on hand to share their knowledge of Syrian cuisine, provide recommendations, and ensure that each customer's experience is truly memorable.

Follow us on social media for updates on upcoming Pop-Up Kitchen locations and dates.

We can't wait to share the flavours of Syria with you in these exciting settings. Join us and embark on a culinary journey that will leave you craving for more.

Operating in partnering restaurants allows us to transform their kitchen into a hub of Syrian culinary artistry. We collaborate with the restaurant's team to create a unique fusion of flavours, infusing the menu with our signature Syrian dishes and adding a touch of excitement to the dining experience.

When we set up our stall at local markets, we invite the community to immerse themselves in the sights, sounds, and smells of Syrian cuisine. From aromatic spices to sizzling grills, our stall becomes a vibrant hub where people can explore and indulge in the diverse flavours of Syria.